Notes to Group Financial Statements

Notes to Group Financial Statements

1 General


These consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 3 March 2022 and released for publication on 8 March 2022. They are subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 6 April 2022.

2 Accounting policies

2Accounting policies

2.1Basis of preparation

The consolidated financial statements of the HUBER+SUHNER Group are based on the individual financial statements of the Group companies and were prepared in accordance with all of the existing guidelines of the accounting and reporting recommendations of Swiss GAAP FER. Unless otherwise stated in the consolidation and accounting policies, the consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.
Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this report may not add up precisely to the totals provided. All ratios and deltas are calculated using the underlying amount rather than the presented rounded amount.
The financial year-end date for HUBER+SUHNER AG, all subsidiaries and the Group financial statements is 31 December.

2.2Scope and principles of consolidation

Investments in subsidiaries are included in the Group financial statements as follows:

  • All subsidiaries which HUBER+SUHNER controls are fully consolidated. Control is usually presumed where the Group directly or indirectly owns more than 50 % of the voting rights of the subsidiaries. All of the assets and liabilities as well as the income and expenses of these companies are fully included. Minority interests in the consolidated equity and net income are shown separately. All intercompany transactions and balances as well as intercompany profits in inventory and other assets are eliminated on consolidation.
  • Those companies purchased during the reporting year are included in the consolidation as at the date on which control was effectively transferred. All previously recognised assets and liabilities as well as contingent liabilities of the company are valued from the date of transfer of control and at fair value. Companies which have been divested during the reporting year are included in the consolidated financial statements until the date on which control ceased.
  • Joint ventures and investments with voting rights of between 20 % and 50 % are recognised using the equity method and with the proportionate equity share as at the balance sheet date. They are reported under financial assets in the balance sheet and as equity investments in the notes. Using the equity method, the proportional share of net income is shown as income (expense) in the consolidated income statement.
  • Capital consolidation is based on the purchase method (acquisition method). The net assets acquired are revalued at the acquisition date and compared with the purchase price; only previously recognised assets are revalued. Any resulting goodwill is directly offset against equity. This approach is used for both positive and negative goodwill. If parts of the purchase price are dependent on future results, they are estimated as accurately as possible at the date of acquisition and recognised in the balance sheet. In the event of disparities the goodwill offset in equity is adjusted accordingly.

2.3Foreign currency translation

Functional and presentation currency

The consolidated financial statements are prepared in Swiss francs (CHF). CHF is the Group’s presentation currency and, unless stated otherwise, the information is given in CHF 1000 (KCHF).

Transactions and balances

Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at the dates of the respective transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement.

Group companies

The results and financial position of all the Group entities with a functional currency different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows:

  • assets and liabilities, for each balance sheet, are translated at the closing rate on the balance sheet date;
  • income and expenses, for each income statement, are translated at average exchange rates of the period; and
  • all resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate component of equity.

On consolidation, profit and loss are not affected by exchange differences arising from the translation of the net investment in foreign operations and of borrowings and other currency instruments which are designated as hedges of such investments. When a foreign operation is sold, exchange differences that were recorded in equity are recognised in the income statement as part of the gain or loss on disposal.

2.4Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, postal and bank accounts, cheques and fixed-term deposits with an original maturity of 3 months or less. Cash and cash equivalents are stated at nominal value.

2.5Trade receivables and other short-term receivables

Trade receivables and other short-term receivables are valued at nominal value less provision for doubtful trade receivables, if any. Indications for provisions for doubtful trade receivables are substantial financial problems on the customer side, a declaration of bankruptcy or a material delay in payment.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of goods comprises direct material and production costs and related production overheads. Borrowing costs are excluded. Early payment discounts are treated as a deduction of the purchase price. The inventory valuation is based on standard costs; these are verified annually. Slow-moving and obsolete stock that have insufficient inventory turnover are systematically value-adjusted, either partially or fully.

2.7Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated on the balance sheet at the purchased or manufactured cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment. Using the straight-line method, depreciation is charged over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Investment properties (including undeveloped property) are held for the purposes of rental income and capital gains. They are valued at purchase cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment, and are depreciated over their estimated useful life (20 to 40 years) using the straight-line method. Land is not depreciated. Assets under construction, which are not yet available for use, are depreciated when the asset is in use.

Asset category


Useful life in years








not depreciated




20-40 years


Technical equipment and machinery


5-15 years


Leasehold improvements


5-10 years


Office furniture and fixtures


3-5 years


IT hardware


3-5 years


Other equipment


3-7 years


2.8Intangible assets


Acquired computer software and other intangible assets are capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring the asset to use. These costs are amortised over their estimated useful life (3 to 10 years).
Development costs for software are capitalised on the basis that the asset generates future economic benefits such as revenues or owner-utilisation and that the costs of the asset can be identified reliably. Self-developed intangible assets are not capitalised (including internal costs associated with developing or maintaining computer software).

Other intangible assets

Acquired rights of land use are capitalised on the basis of the acquisition costs incurred. They are amortised on a straight-line basis for the full term of the rights.

2.9Impairment of assets

Property, plant and equipment and other long-term assets including intangible assets are reviewed for impairment if events or changes in circumstances have occurred that indicate that the book value cannot be recovered. Assets with a book value above the recoverable amount are deemed impaired and are carried at no more than the recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less the cost to sell and value in use. To determine the reduction in value, assets are allocated to specific cash-generating units; cash flows for the latter are determined separately.
If there is an indication that the impairment in the prior period no longer exists or has decreased, the carrying amount is, with the exception of goodwill, increased to its recoverable amount and is recognised immediately in the income statement.

2.10Financial assets

Financial assets include securities with a long-term investment horizon where the share in equity is less than 20 %, investments in associates and joint ventures as well as loans, assets from employer contribution reserves, long-term rental deposits and re-insurance of retirement plan obligations. As a general rule, marketable securities are valued at the current market price; in some circumstances, they are valued at the cost of acquisition. Investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method. Loans are valued based on the nominal values less any value adjustments. Assets from employer contribution reserves are valued at their current value; long-term rental deposits are valued at their nominal value and are only discounted if material. Re-insurance of retirement plan obligations is accounted for using an actuarial valuation.

2.11Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities consist of bank debt and are recognised at nominal value.

2.12Trade payables and other short-term liabilities

Trade payables and other short-term liabilities are recognised at nominal value.


Provisions are made for warranties, personnel expenses, restructuring costs, as well as legal and other miscellaneous operational risks that meet the recognition criteria. They are recognised when the Group has a current legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events and if it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and the amount can be reliably estimated.
Warranty provisions are generally measured and recognised based on prior experience. The amount of the provision is measured by the current value of the expected cash outflows insofar as the cash outflow substantially underlies interest effects.

2.14Off-balance-sheet transactions

Contingent liabilities and other non-recognisable commitments are valued and disclosed at each balance sheet date. If contingent liabilities and other non-recognisable commitments lead to an outflow of funds without a simultaneous usable inflow of funds, and the outflow of funds is probable and can be measured reliably, a corresponding provision is made.

2.15Employee benefits

Companies in the HUBER+SUHNER Group operate employee pension plans in accordance with the regulations of the country where the given company is domiciled.
The economic impact of these pension plans on the HUBER+SUHNER Group is determined annually. For Swiss pension plans, economic benefits and/or economic obligations are determined on the basis of the annual financial statement, which is prepared in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 26. The economic impact of foreign pension plans is determined according to the methods applied in the given country.

An economic benefit is capitalised if it is permissible and the intention is to use the pension plan funds to cover the company’s future pension expense. An economic obligation is recognised when the conditions for the recognition of a provision are met. Existing employer contribution reserves are recognised as a financial asset. Changes in the economic benefit or the economic obligation are recognised in the income statement as personnel expenses incurred during the reporting period.

2.16Share-based payment

Members of the Board of Directors and Executive Group Management are partly compensated in HUBER+SUHNER AG shares. These are issued with a blocking period of at least 3 years. The allocation of shares is subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting; the valuation of the share-based payment is determined at the grant date (i.e. the date at which the share allocation was approved by the Annual General Meeting). Share-based payment transactions which have not yet been approved by the Annual General Meeting are valued at the year-end share price.
The market value of the shares is fully recognised in equity based on the accruals principle and the yearlong vesting period in the accounts of the respective year under review. Any subsequent variances between the year-end share price and the share price at the date of the retroactive approval by the Annual General Meeting are recorded in the income statement of the following year.

2.17Revenue recognition

HUBER+SUHNER generates revenues mainly from the sale of products and systems. Revenues from these sales are recognised upon delivery to the customer. Depending on the terms of the sales contract, delivery is made when the risks and rewards of the sold products are transferred to the customer or when the service has been performed. Sales are shown as a net amount in the income statement. They represent the total value of invoices to third parties less sales taxes, credits for returns and revenue reductions (primarily rebates and discounts).

2.18Gross profit

The income statement is presented by function, whereby gross profit represents net sales less the cost of goods sold.

2.19Income taxes

Income taxes are accounted for on the basis of the income for the reporting year, less the use of tax losses carried forward, using expected effective (local) tax rates. Income tax receivables and payables outstanding at the balance sheet date are disclosed under other short-term receivables or other short-term liabilities. Deferred income tax is calculated using the liability method for any temporary difference between the carrying amount according to Swiss GAAP FER and the tax basis of assets and liabilities. Deferred income tax is measured at tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled, based on tax rates/laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.
Deferred income tax assets are recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be offset.

Deferred income tax is provided for temporary differences on investments in subsidiaries and associates, except when the Group can control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference or the reversal is not probable in the foreseeable future.

2.20Alternative Performance Measures

Alternative Performance Measures are key figures not defined by Swiss GAAP FER. HUBER+SUHNER uses alternative performance measures as guidance parameters for both internal and external reporting to stakeholders. For the definition of Alternative Performance Measures please visit Publications

3 Changes in the scope of consolidation and other changes

Notes to Group Financial Statements — All amounts are in CHF 1000

3Changes in the scope of consolidation and other changes

On 30 April 2021 HUBER+SUHNER acquired ROADMap Systems Ltd., a technology start-up located in Cambridge, UK, through an asset deal. The company is developing the next generation of highly integrated wavelength-selective switch technology and is integrated into the Communication segment. At the time of acquisition, the fair values of net assets acquired according to Swiss GAAP FER were as follows:

Effect of acquisition


Fair Value




Property, plant and equipment



Deferred tax asset



Acquired net assets



The goodwill from the acquisition of ROADMap Systems Ltd, which was offset with equity, was CHF 1.2 million. The total purchase price (including acquisition costs) was CHF 1.5 million. Considering the remaining payment of total CHF 0.3 million, the net cash outflow was CHF 1.2 million.

In December 2021 the remaining outstanding payment of CHF 0.6 million for the acquisition of Kathrein SE, Germany (acquired in 2019), was fully derecognized as the criteria for deferred payment were not achieved and the goodwill was reduced by CHF 0.5 million (net of taxes) accordingly (see note 20). This business is reported in the Industry segment.

In February 2021 a final payment of CHF 0.1 million was made for the acquisition of Inwave Elektronik AG, Reute in Switzerland (acquired in 2017) and the goodwill was reduced by CHF 0.3 million, as the deferred purchase price was CHF 0.4 million. This business is reported in the Industry segment.

There were no changes in consolidation scope in 2020.

In 2020 the goodwill from the acquisition of the BKtel Group (acquired in 2019) has been increased by CHF 0.1 million due to the property acquisition tax in Germany (see note 20). BKtel is reported in the Communication segment.

In 2020 the outstanding payment for the acquisition of Kathrein SE, Germany (acquired in 2019), was reduced from CHF 1.9 million to CHF 0.6 million as the criterias for deferred payment were not achieved and the goodwill (net of taxes) was reduced accordingly (see note 20). This business is reported in the Industry segment.

From the acquisition Inwave Elektronik AG, Reute in Switzerland in 2017, CHF 0.3 million of the remaining payment was paid out in 2020.

A complete list of all Group companies can be found in chapter Group Companies.

Discontinued operation

In 2021 there is no material impact of the prior year discontinued operation in Brazil. The market is served through other HUBER+SUHNER entities.

In 2020 the low-profit production site in Brazil has been closed by the end of November 2020. In 2020 the sales generated by the discontinued business amounted to CHF 10.5 million (Industry CHF 0.4 million, Communication CHF 7.7 million, Transportation CHF 2.4 million), while the operating profit amounted to CHF –1.8 million (Industry CHF +0.0 million, Communication CHF –1.4 million, Transportation CHF –0.4 million). H+S Brazil was reported in the region Americas (North and South America).

4 Exchange rates for currency translation

4Exchange rates for currency translation

The following exchange rates were used for the Group’s main currencies:



Spot rates for the consolidated balance sheet


Average rates for the consolidated income and cash flow statement





































100 CNY


















100 INR




































5 Segment information

5Segment information

Adjustments due to the new segment structure

HUBER+SUHNER has simplified its organisational structure with effect from 1 January 2021 and orients itself towards the three market segments Industry, Communication and Transportation. The three market segments replace the three technology segments Radio Frequency, Fiber Optics and Low Frequency. The reporting used on top management level to steer the Group has been adjusted accordingly. The segment reporting for the three market segments were disclosed for the first time in the Half-year Report 2021 including a prior-year restatement. The Consolidated Income Statement has been adjusted due to the new organisational structure for the prior year period to ensure comparability as some functions were reallocated. The Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement as well as the Consolidated Statement of Equity are unchanged.

The segment reporting of HUBER+SUHNER consists of three market segments and Corporate.

Industry segment

HUBER+SUHNER utilises its expertise in electrical and optical connectivity in developing advanced and differentiated solutions for demanding applications in a variety of industrial markets. Customers benefit from a wide range that encompasses components such as cables, connectors, cable assemblies, antennas, lightning protection and resistive components – all of which can be customised to meet specific requirements. This comprehensive portfolio features products specifically designed to withstand the extreme environments of space and offshore applications, ensure data integrity and connectivity to safeguard protective forces, guarantee accuracy and repeatability for test and measurement systems, maintain safe-handling in high power electric car charging, provide lifetime data transfer and control for wind energy and industrial automation, and deliver the precision and flexibility necessary for medical applications in improving lives.

Markets served: aerospace and defense, test and measurement, energy, medical, general industrials.

Communication segment

HUBER+SUHNER is a strategic partner to the communication market combining profound technical expertise with extensive customer intimacy to meet the needs of mobile networks, fixed access networks, data centers and communication equipment manufacturers. Customers benefit from a comprehensive and customisable portfolio of physical layer connectivity products and systems that are based on fiber optic and radio frequency technologies. HUBER+SUHNER provides an extensive range of reliable, future-ready solutions that pull from products including harsh environment connectivity, antenna transmission, residential access, video overlay, bandwidth expansion, cable systems, cable management, hardware interconnection, optical switching and wavelength-selective switching. Each solution is designed and engineered to provide the highest performance, density and scalability for today and far into the future.

Markets served: mobile networks, fixed access networks, data centers, communication equipment manufacturers.

Transportation segment

HUBER+SUHNER develops comprehensive and sustainable connectivity solutions for the transportation market by combining three in-house technologies into innovations. The solutions in the transportation segment address the mobility needs of today and tomorrow in the railway and automotive markets. These needs also include the addition of communication solutions and thus the possibility of being mobile while being connected. The portfolio includes an extensive range of cables, cable assemblies, hybrid cables and cable systems, as well as antennas, radar and connectors. By specialising in polymer compounds using a patented formula developed in-house for high-quality cable insulation, and in combination with electron beam cross-linking technology, low frequency cable products offer competitive advantages of space and weight savings, and long lifetime, even under extreme conditions. Altogether, customers benefit from efficient electrical transmission, high-speed data transfer, and autonomous control in future-ready transportation concepts.

Markets served: railway, automotive (conventional and electric vehicles).


This segment chiefly covers the expenses of corporate functions in Switzerland and all business activities that cannot be allocated to one of the three market segments.

Net sales by segment













275 398


225 956



341 108


289 079



246 441


222 862

Total net sales


862 947


737 897

Net sales by region (sales area)













40 673


41 423

EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa [excl. CH])


419 384


358 307

APAC (Asia-Pacific)


185 624


203 637

Americas (North and South America)


217 266


134 530

Total net sales


862 947


737 897

Operating profit (EBIT)













58 387


36 376



41 459


15 460



12 558


16 160



(7 827)


(6 796)

Total operating profit (EBIT)


104 577


61 200

In 2020, the EBIT is impacted by a settlement payment from a customer in the Communication segment, which is included in other operating income in the amount of CHF 4.6 million.

6 Financial result

6Financial result











Interest income


1 870


2 518

Foreign exchange gains incl. derivative financial instruments


1 401


1 306

Other financial income




Total financial income


3 271


3 825






Interest expense





Foreign exchange losses incl. derivative financial instruments


(2 487)


(2 556)

Other financial expense


(2 502)


(1 638)

Total financial expense


(5 536)


(4 407)






Total financial result


(2 265)



Other financial expense includes amongst others bank charges and non-refundable withholding taxes on dividend from Group companies.

7 Income taxes

7Income taxes











Current income taxes


(15 513)


(14 965)

Deferred income taxes




6 653

Total income taxes


(14 996)


(8 312)

The differences between the expected and the effective income taxes were as follows:











Net income before taxes


102 312


60 618

Expected income tax rate





Expected income taxes


(19 694)


(12 792)

Effect of utilisation of non-recognised tax losses carry-forward


1 414



Effect of non-tax-deductible expenses and non-taxable income


2 803


1 408

Effect of non-recognition of current tax losses





Effect of increased/reduced allowance on deferred tax balances




3 862

Effect of changes in tax rates on deferred tax balances





Effect of tax credits/debits from prior years and other effects


1 082



Effective income taxes


(14 996)


(8 312)

Effective income tax rate





The expected Corporate income tax rate corresponds to the weighted average income tax rate based on the net income before taxes and the income tax rate of each individual Group company. The net income before taxes complies with the ordinary result according to Swiss GAAP FER.

In the reporting year, the decrease from 19.2 % in the expected income tax rate to 14.7 % in the effective income tax rate is mainly attributable to the following three factors: Firstly, two legal entities were able to use non capitalized losses carried forward due to taxable profits in the reporting year. Secondly, in several countries (Switzerland, China, France, USA) R&D deductions and other tax benefits are available, that can be used by HUBER+SUHNER (shown in the line “effect of non-tax-deductible expenses and non-tax-deductible income”). Thirdly, due to the closure of the production site in Brazil in 2020, the investment in this group company had been finally written off (shown in the line “effect of tax credits/debits from prior years and other effects”).

The capitalised deferred tax assets on losses carried forward amounts to CHF 1.2 million (previous year: CHF 0.9 million). The unrecognised tax loss carried forward was CHF 12.9 million (previous year, CHF 17.1 million). This corresponds to a potential tax asset of CHF 3.8 million (previous year: CHF 4.7 million). In 2021 no tax losses carried forward expired (previous year: CHF 0.0 million).

The valuation of related tax assets on losses carried forward is based on business plans. The capitalisation of usable tax losses carried forward is assessed on a yearly basis. Tax losses carried forward are recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available and therefore allow the assets to be utilised. In countries and for subsidiaries where the use of tax losses carried forward is not foreseeable, tax loss is not capitalised. For the calculation of deferred income taxes in the consolidated balance sheet, the expected tax rate per tax subject is applied.

8 Personnel expenses

8Personnel expenses

Personnel expenses included in the income statement amount to:











Total personnel expenses


280 807


262 766

9 Post-employment benefits

9Post-employment benefits

According to the local law, autonomous pension funds bear the risks relating to the defined benefits. In the event of restructuring measures, the employer must pay an additional contribution alongside its normal contributions. Through the HUBER+SUHNER AG pension fund, HUBER+SUHNER AG provides pension benefits for its employees in the event of retirement, invalidity and death.
The leading body administering the fund is the Board of Foundation, which comprises an equal number of employee and employer representatives. The Board of Foundation establishes an Investment Committee, which is responsible for investing the funds held by the pension plan in accordance with the investment regulations defined by the Board of Foundation. All insured persons can claim their pension or part thereof in the form of either capital or retirement pension payments. HUBER+SUHNER AG also has two paternal foundations.

Most HUBER+SUHNER subsidiaries operate defined contribution pension plans. As a general rule, these involve employees and employer paying into pension funds administered by third parties. The HUBER+SUHNER Group has no payment obligations beyond these defined contributions, which are recognised as personnel costs in the profit and loss. The economic obligation recognised in the balance sheet for pension plans without own assets (mainly for a few retired executives) concern pension plans operated in Germany and the US.

Employer contribution reserves (ECR)



Nominal value


Waiver of use


Accu- mulation


Balance sheet


Income statement impact from ECR































Employer contribution reserves 1)


17 224





17 224


16 928







17 224





17 224


16 928





1) The ECR are based on the annual reports of the paternal fund from the previous year. The economic benefits/economic obligations are assessed at each balance sheet date. In 2021 as well as in 2020, interest on the paternal fund of the ECR is recognised as financial income.

Economic benefit / economic obligation and pension benefit expenses



Funding surplus


Economic part of the organisation


Change from prior year with income statement impact


Change from prior year with no income statement impact


Contribu- tions for the period


Pension costs within personnel expenses



































Paternal fund 1)


68 407








Pension plans with surplus 1)


41 469






(8 843)


(8 843)


(9 213)

Pension plans without own assets



1 612


2 281












109 876


1 612


2 281






(8 843)


(8 987)


(9 421)

1) The paternal fund and the funding surplus of the pension plan of HUBER+SUHNER AG are based on annual reports issued by the corresponding institutions for the previous year. The economic benefits / economic obligations are assessed at each balance sheet date.

10 Share-based payment

Notes to Group Financial Statements — All amounts are in CHF 1000

10Share-based payment

Compensation and remuneration for members of the Board of Directors and for members of the Executive Group Management includes, amongst others, long-term incentives in the form of shares (see Compensation Report, Notes 2 and 3).

The members of the Board of Directors annually receive a long-term incentive in the form of a fixed number of HUBER+SUHNER AG shares, with a blocking period after assignment of at least 3 years.

As long-term compensation, the members of Executive Group Management receive a variable number of HUBER+SUHNER AG shares each year. The number of shares that are effectively granted is determined by the Board of Directors and driven by long-term business success, which is assessed according to three factors: market environment, strategy implementation and financial situation. The shares are allocated also with a blocking period of at least 3 years.

Share-based compensation is calculated based on the year-end share price of CHF 87.00 (previous year: CHF 69.90). In the year under review, 24 775 shares (prior year: 31 225 shares) were allocated. Expenses, which included social security, in the amount of CHF 2.4 million (prior year: CHF 2.5 million) are recognised accordingly in the income statement. Shares are transferred in the following financial year, subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting.

11 Related party transactions

11Related party transactions

In 2021 no services (previous year: CHF 0.1 million for air travel) were purchased from related parties.

Pension contributions to the HUBER+SUHNER AG pension plan are disclosed in Note 9, line item ‘Pension plan with surplus’.

12 Depreciation and amortisation

Notes to Group Financial Statements — All amounts are in CHF 1000

12Depreciation and amortisation

Depreciation and amortisation expenses included in the income statement are as follows:











Depreciation of property, plant and equipment


26 993


22 873

Amortisation of intangible assets


6 076


5 275

Total depreciation and amortisation


33 069


28 148

13 Liabilities from operating lease

13Liabilities from operating lease

Some Group companies lease a number of offices, warehouses and cars under operating lease contracts which cannot be cancelled at short notice.

Liabilities from operating lease











Less than 1 year


5 513


4 324

Between 1 and 5 years


15 637


12 779

More than 5 years


14 583


13 520

Total liabilities from operating lease


35 733


30 623

The increase of the liabilities from operating lease compared to previous year is mainly due to various extended lease agreements.

14 Cash and cash equivalents

14Cash and cash equivalents











Cash at bank and on hand


98 769


166 338

Term deposits < 3 month term, in CHF


94 998


19 999

Term deposits < 3 month term, in other currency


26 078


17 219

Total cash and cash equivalents


219 845


203 556

15 Trade receivables

15Trade receivables











Trade receivables from third parties


146 927


123 542

Provision for doubtful trade receivables


(2 503)


(2 439)

Total trade receivables, net


144 424


121 103

16 Other short-term receivables

16Other short-term receivables











Other short-term receivables


25 424


25 446

Derivative financial instruments





Total other short-term receivables


26 209


25 541

Other short-term receivables include value-added and withholding tax receivables, current income tax receivables, received letters of credit, and other short-term receivables such as a receivable relating to prepayments and other current assets.

17 Inventories












Raw materials and supplies


84 019


68 655

Work in progress


12 814


12 855

Finished goods


109 854


100 567

Total inventories, gross


206 687


182 077

Inventory provision


(34 668)


(43 265)

Total inventories, net


172 019


138 812

18 Derivative financial instruments

18Derivative financial instruments

To hedge exposure related to fluctuation in foreign currencies, the Group uses derivative financial instruments, in particular forward exchange contracts. Derivative financial instruments used for hedging balance sheet items are recognised at current value and at the date a derivative contract is entered into. They are recorded as other short-term receivables or other short-term liabilities. Derivatives are subsequently re-measured, based on current market prices, to their fair value at each balance sheet date; unrealised gains and losses are recognised in the income statement.

Derivative financial instruments



Positive market value


Negative market value




Positive market value


Negative market value













Foreign exchange


























19 Property, plant and equipment

19Property, plant and equipment



Unde- veloped property


Land and buildings


Technical equipment and machinery


Other equip- ment


Assets under construc- tion
















Cost at 1.1.2020


2 080


206 852


337 275


79 024


19 769


645 000






2 688


3 160


24 755


31 335




(3 168)


(7 869)


(1 136)




(12 325)






14 126


2 080


(17 192)


Change in consolidation scope







Currency translation differences



(1 469)


(4 386)


(1 487)




(7 447)

Cost at 31.12.2020


2 080


203 933


341 834


81 641


27 075


656 563




1 017


4 678


3 216


35 179


44 090






(11 331)


(2 289)




(13 848)




1 614


28 354


4 234


(34 202)


Change in consolidation scope









Currency translation differences





2 419






2 235

Cost at 31.12.2021


2 080


206 839


365 998


86 504


27 663


689 084














Accumulated depreciation and impairment at 1.1.2020



(118 247)


(268 397)


(66 427)



(453 071)




(4 582)


(13 471)


(4 820)



(22 873)











2 336


7 180





10 489











Currency translation differences





2 594


1 010



4 002

Accumulated depreciation and impairment at 31.12.2020



(120 103)


(272 095)


(69 255)



(461 453)




(5 240)


(16 903)


(4 850)



(26 993)













10 920


2 078



13 033








Currency translation differences





(1 317)





(1 055)

Accumulated depreciation and impairment at 31.12.2021



(125 191)


(279 395)


(71 882)



(476 468)














Net book value at 1.1.2020


2 080


88 605


68 878


12 597


19 769


191 929

Net book value at 31.12.2020


2 080


83 830


69 739


12 386


27 075


195 110

Net book value at 31.12.2021


2 080


81 648


86 603


14 622


27 663


212 616

1) Other equipment includes vehicles as well as IT, measurement and testing equipment.

20 Intangible assets

20Intangible assets















Cost at 1.1.2020


74 269


1 418


75 687



6 354



6 354







Change in consolidation scope




Currency translation differences







Cost at 31.12.2020


80 163


1 377


81 540



6 606



6 606







Change in consolidation scope




Currency translation differences







Cost at 31.12.2021


85 884


1 463


87 347








Accumulated amortisation and impairment at 1.1.2020


(54 997)




(55 224)



(5 245)




(5 275)











Currency translation differences







Accumulated amortisation and impairment at 31.12.2020


(59 967)




(60 218)



(6 044)




(6 076)











Currency translation differences







Accumulated amortisation and impairment at 31.12.2021


(65 118)




(65 416)








Net book value at 1.1.2020


19 272


1 191


20 463

Net book value at 31.12.2020


20 196


1 126


21 322

Net book value at 31.12.2021


20 766


1 165


21 931

Other intangible assets include amongst others the land use right in Changzhou, China.

Theoretical movement schedule for goodwill

Goodwill from acquisitions is fully offset against equity at the date of acquisition. The theoretical amortisation of goodwill is based on the straight-line method over the useful life of five years. The carrying amounts of goodwill at the time of conversion from IFRS to Swiss GAAP FER on 1 January 2016 have been included in the theoretical movement schedule below; closing rates on 1 January 2016 were applied. Goodwill from new acquisitions is set in Swiss francs and calculated based on the closing rate at the acquisition date. This procedure means that the movement schedule no longer has to include foreign exchange differences. The impact of the theoretical capitalisation and amortisation of goodwill is presented below:












Balance at 1.1.


140 682


141 758

Additions from acquisitions


1 177


Increase of goodwill




Reduction of goodwill




(1 199)

Balance at 31.12.


141 127


140 682

For the changes in goodwill see note 3.

Accumulated amortisation











Balance at 1.1.


(104 463)


(90 091)

Amortisation expense


(10 865)


(14 372)

Balance at 31.12.


(115 328)


(104 463)






Theoretical net book value at 31.12.


25 799


36 219

Impact on balance sheet











Equity according to the balance sheet


643 750


591 628

Theoretical capitalisation of goodwill


25 799


36 219

Theoretical equity incl. net book value of goodwill


669 549


627 847

Impact on income statement











Net income


87 316


52 306

Amortisation of goodwill


(10 865)


(14 372)

Theoretical net income


76 451


37 934

21 Financial assets

21Financial assets











Assets from employer contribution reserves


17 225


16 928



5 538


4 529

Total financial assets


22 763


21 457

Others include rental deposits and re-insurance from retirement plan obligations.

22 Financial liabilities

22Financial liabilities











Short-term financial liabilities




Total financial liabilities




Maturities of financial liabilities











Due within 1 year




Total financial liabilities




The financial liability was a bank loan taken over as part of the acquisition of BKtel, which was fully paid back in 2021.

23 Restrictions on the title to assets

Notes to Group Financial Statements — All amounts are in CHF 1000

23Restrictions on the title to assets

Assets with a carrying amount of CHF 1.1 million (previous year: CHF 1.2 million) were pledged to secure a bank loan, which was fully paid back at the end of 2021 and is in the process of being relieved. The pledged asset consists of a building. 

24 Other short-term liabilities

Notes to Group Financial Statements — All amounts are in CHF 1000

24Other short-term liabilities











Accrual for personnel expenses


33 754


25 893

Advance payments from customers


2 882


2 612

Derivative financial instruments





Current income tax liabilities


14 961


13 382

Other liabilities


10 819


8 478

Total other short-term liabilities


62 458


50 681

25 Provisions




Retire- ment plan oblig- ations


Employee- related provisions


Order-related provisions


Other provisions














Balance at 1.1.2020


2 292


4 958


9 660


4 350


21 260





1 054


3 018




4 830










(1 018)











(1 793)

Change in consolidation scope






Currency translation differences











Balance at 31.12.2020


2 281


4 643


11 285


4 631


22 840





1 886


4 421




6 677

















(1 406)




(3 224)

Change in consolidation scope






Currency translation differences











Balance at 31.12.2021


1 613


5 495


14 049


4 617


25 774












Short-term provisions



1 659


10 047


2 396


14 102

Long-term provisions


2 281


2 984


1 238


2 235


8 738

Total provisions at 31.12.2020


2 281


4 643


11 285


4 631


22 840












Short-term provisions



2 605


12 880


2 297


17 782

Long-term provisions


1 613


2 890


1 169


2 320


7 992

Total provisions at 31.12.2021


1 613


5 495


14 049


4 617


25 774

Retirement plan obligations include liabilities in connection with defined contribution plans (pension plans without own assets) and primarily concern specific former employees.
Employee-related provisions mainly include length-of-service rewards and obligations to employees.
Order-related provisions are directly related to services arising from product deliveries and projects, and are formulated based on the experience and estimation of each project. Order-related provisions relate to warranties, customer claims, penalties and other guarantees.
Other provisions include obligations which do not fit into the aforementioned categories, such as current or possible litigations arising from divestments, licence agreements or duties as well as other constructive or legal obligations. Due to the nature of the long-term provisions, the timing of the cash outflows is uncertain. However, a partial cash outflow can be expected within two to three years, on average.

In both the reporting period and the prior year, there were no restructuring provisions.

26 Deferred tax assets and liabilities

26Deferred tax assets and liabilities



Deferred tax assets


Deferred tax liabilities






Balance at 1.1.2020


11 438


25 339



2 092



Releases / utilisation


(1 637)


(6 760)

Releases through equity









Change in consolidation scope



Currency translation differences





Balance at 31.12.2020


11 119


19 094






Releases / utilisation


(1 604)


(1 670)

Releases through equity









Change in consolidation scope




Currency translation differences





Balance at 31.12.2021


10 267


17 485

27 Share capital

27Share capital

As at 31.12.2021 20 200 000 (previous year: 20 200 000) registered shares, with a nominal value of CHF 0.25, were outstanding. The Company has no authorised or conditional capital. Reserves which are not disposable or distributable amount to CHF 2.5 million as at 31 December 2021 (previous year: CHF 2.5 million).

The following table shows transactions and balances relating to treasury shares:





Trans- action price (Ø) in CHF


Pur- chase cost




Trans- action price (Ø) in CHF


Pur- chase cost











Balance at 1.1.


727 640






735 140





Purchases of treasury shares


196 425




15 805


22 133




1 154

Disposals of treasury shares


(30 925)




(2 217)


(29 633)




(1 626)

Balance at 31.12.


893 140




13 834


727 640





Out of the total purchases of treasury shares of 196 425, in 2021 141 500 treasury shares were purchased as part of the running share buyback programme and 54 925 treasury shares for remuneration purposes. 

As at the balance sheet date, foundations related to the HUBER+SUHNER Group hold 274 716 shares in HUBER+SUHNER AG (previous year: 276 886). Pension funds connected with the HUBER+SUHNER Group hold no shares in HUBER+SUHNER AG.

28 Earnings per share

28Earnings per share











Net income attributable to shareholders of HUBER+SUHNER AG


86 538


51 863

Average number of outstanding shares


19 440 610


19 469 307

Undiluted / diluted earnings per share (CHF)





The average number of outstanding shares is calculated based on issued shares less the weighted average of treasury shares. There are no conversion or option rights outstanding; therefore, there is no dilution of earnings per share.

29 Future commitments

Notes to Group Financial Statements — All amounts are in CHF 1000

29Future commitments

The Group companies have committed to various capital expenditures essential for the day-to-day running of their businesses. At the year-end there were commitments for the purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets amounting to CHF 27.3 million (previous year: CHF 15.9 million). The increased amount is due to ordered production equipment and the ongoing construction of a building in Switzerland.

30 Contingent Liabilities

30Contingent Liabilities

As at 31 December 2021 a parent guarantee in the amount of CHF 6.4 million (previous year: CHF 6.2 million) exists in favour of a third party for a long-term lease agreement. This amount represents the maximum amount of the obligation assumed. HUBER+SUHNER Group has not given any other guarantees in respect of its business relationships with third parties.

31 Events after the balance sheet date

31Events after the balance sheet date

No events occurred between the balance sheet date and the date these consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors (3 March 2022) which affect the annual results or require any adjustments to the Group’s assets and liabilities.

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