3Changes in Swiss GAAP FER accounting principles per 1 January 2024

The Swiss GAAP FER 28 standard “Government grants” was published in 2022 with effective date 1 January 2024. Government grants are recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the HUBER+SUHNER Group complies with any conditions attached to the grant and the value can be estimated reliably.

Government grants related to assets are offset against the purchased or manufactured cost of the asset. The reduced depreciation amounts are thus taken into account in profit or loss over the useful life of the assets. Government grants related to income are presented in the income statement as “Other operating income” or in objectively justified cases are offset against the corresponding expenses.

The adoption of the new Swiss GAAP FER 28 standard has no impact on HUBER+SUHNER Group's net income, because the accounting entries had been already booked accordingly in previous years.

The Swiss GAAP FER 30 standard “Consolidated financial statements” was revised in 2022 with effective date 1 January 2024. The implication of the revised Swiss GAAP FER 30 was assessed and it was decided, that the following accounting policy choice regarding goodwill and intangible accounting regarding acquired businesses is applied: As of 1 January 2024, acquired intangible assets which are relevant to the decision to obtain control are identified, recognised and amortised over the useful life (Swiss GAAP FER 30, 14). The remaining goodwill or badwill are offset as in the past against equity (Swiss GAAP FER 30, 15 and 19).

Previously, any resulting goodwill was directly and completely offset against equity after deducting the net assets acquired and revalued at the acquisition date, without identifying, recognising and amortising acquired intangible assets separately.

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