Notes to Group Financial Statements

1 General


This unaudited Half-year Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 15 August 2024 and released for publication on 20 August 2024.

2 Accounting policies

2Accounting policies

The consolidated Half-year Report was prepared in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 31 “Complementary recommendation for listed companies” and the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report 2023. Additionally, Swiss GAAP FER 28 “Government grants” and Swiss GAAP FER 30 “Consolidated financial statements” entered into force per 1 January 2024 (see note 3).

This Half-year Report is an interim report, which allows simplifications in comparison to an Annual Report.

The consolidated financial statements of the HUBER+SUHNER Group are based on the individual financial statements of the Group companies and were prepared in accordance with current Swiss GAAP FER (Swiss Accounting and Reporting Recommendations) guidelines. Unless otherwise stated in the Annual Report 2023, the consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this report may not add up precisely to the totals provided. All ratios and deltas are calculated using the underlying amount rather than the presented rounded amount.

3 Changes in Swiss GAAP FER accounting principles per 1 January 2024

3Changes in Swiss GAAP FER accounting principles per 1 January 2024

The Swiss GAAP FER 28 standard “Government grants” was published in 2022 with effective date 1 January 2024. Government grants are recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the HUBER+SUHNER Group complies with any conditions attached to the grant and the value can be estimated reliably.

Government grants related to assets are offset against the purchased or manufactured cost of the asset. The reduced depreciation amounts are thus taken into account in profit or loss over the useful life of the assets. Government grants related to income are presented in the income statement as “Other operating income” or in objectively justified cases are offset against the corresponding expenses.

The adoption of the new Swiss GAAP FER 28 standard has no impact on HUBER+SUHNER Group's net income, because the accounting entries had been already booked accordingly in previous years.

The Swiss GAAP FER 30 standard “Consolidated financial statements” was revised in 2022 with effective date 1 January 2024. The implication of the revised Swiss GAAP FER 30 was assessed and it was decided, that the following accounting policy choice regarding goodwill and intangible accounting regarding acquired businesses is applied: As of 1 January 2024, acquired intangible assets which are relevant to the decision to obtain control are identified, recognised and amortised over the useful life (Swiss GAAP FER 30, 14). The remaining goodwill or badwill are offset as in the past against equity (Swiss GAAP FER 30, 15 and 19).

Previously, any resulting goodwill was directly and completely offset against equity after deducting the net assets acquired and revalued at the acquisition date, without identifying, recognising and amortising acquired intangible assets separately.

4 Changes in the scope of consolidation and other changes

4Changes in the scope of consolidation and other changes

There were no changes in the scope of consolidation in the first half year 2024.

In June 2023 the outstanding payment for the acquisition of Phoenix Dynamics Ltd. (acquired in 2022), has been reduced from CHF 1.8 million to CHF 1.5 million as the criteria for deferred payment were not fully achieved. CHF 1.5 million was paid and the goodwill was reduced accordingly by CHF 0.3 million. Phoenix Dynamics Ltd. is reported in the Industry segment.

5 Exchange rates for currency translation

5Exchange rates for currency translation

The following exchange rates were used for the Group’s main currencies:

Spot rates for the consolidated balance sheet

Average rates for the consolidated income and cash flow statement



January–June 2024

January–June 2023











100 CNY










100 INR




















6 Segment information

6Segment information

The segment reporting of HUBER+SUHNER consists of three market segments and Corporate.

Industry segment

HUBER+SUHNER utilises its expertise in electrical and optical connectivity in developing advanced and differentiated solutions for demanding applications in a variety of industrial markets. Customers benefit from a wide range that encompasses components such as cables, connectors, cable assemblies, antennas, lightning protection and resistive components – all of which can be customised to meet specific requirements. This comprehensive portfolio features products specifically designed to withstand the extreme environments of space and offshore applications, ensure data integrity and connectivity to safeguard protective forces, guarantee accuracy and repeatability for test and measurement systems, maintain safe-handling in high power electric car charging, provide lifetime data transfer and control for wind energy and industrial automation, and deliver the precision and flexibility necessary for medical applications in improving lives.

Markets served: test and measurement, aerospace and defense, high power charging, general industrial.

Communication segment

HUBER+SUHNER is a strategic partner to the communication market combining profound technical expertise with extensive customer intimacy to meet the needs of mobile networks, fixed access networks, data centers and communication equipment manufacturers. Customers benefit from a comprehensive and customisable portfolio of physical layer connectivity products and systems that are based on fiber optic and radio frequency technologies. HUBER+SUHNER provides an extensive range of reliable, future-ready solutions that pull from products including harsh environment connectivity, antenna transmission, residential access, video overlay, bandwidth expansion, cable systems, cable management, hardware interconnection, optical switching and wavelength-selective switching. Each solution is designed and engineered to provide the highest performance, density and scalability for today and far into the future.

Markets served: mobile network, fixed access network, data center, communication equipment manufacturer.

Transportation segment

HUBER+SUHNER develops comprehensive and sustainable connectivity solutions for the transportation market by combining three in-house technologies into innovations. The solutions in the transportation segment address the mobility needs of today and tomorrow in the railway and automotive markets. These needs also include the addition of communication solutions and thus the possibility of being mobile while being connected. The portfolio includes an extensive range of cables, cable assemblies, hybrid cables and cable systems, as well as antennas, radar and connectors. By specialising in polymer compounds using a patented formula developed in-house for high-quality cable insulation, and in combination with electron beam cross-linking technology, low frequency cable products offer competitive advantages of space and weight savings, and long lifetime, even under extreme conditions. Altogether, customers benefit from efficient electrical transmission, high-speed data transfer, and autonomous control in future ready transportation concepts.

Markets served: railway (rolling stock, rail communications), automotive (electric vehicle, advanced driver assistance system).


This segment chiefly covers the expenses of corporate functions in Switzerland and all business activities that cannot be allocated to one of the three market segments.

Net sales by segment

January–June 2024

January–June 2023


134 846

159 575


155 952

169 815


139 789

147 883

Total net sales

430 587

477 273

Operating profit (EBIT)

January–June 2024

January–June 2023


22 936

30 213


10 431

6 218


12 428

15 483


(4 309)

(4 946)

Total operating profit (EBIT)

41 486

46 968

7 Events after the balance sheet date

7Events after the balance sheet date

No events occurred between the balance sheet date and the date this half-year report was approved by the Board of Directors which affect the half-year results or require any adjustments to the Group’s assets and liabilities.

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