Introduction Non-financial Report

At HUBER+SUHNER, our commitment to sustainability is integral to our business strategy. We embed sustainability into our innovative solutions and strive to meet our climate and resource use targets. Next to environmental responsibilities, we strive to foster a diverse, inclusive, and safe workplace for our employees, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations as well as with our Code of responsible business conduct.

This Non-financial Report outlines the HUBER+SUHNER Group’s progress in advancing its sustainability strategy in 2024. It addresses the requirements of Article 964b of the Swiss Code of Obligations and the Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labour (DDTrO). For the first time, we are also reporting on climate-related risks and opportunities, in alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. The Annual Report including the Non-financial Report was approved by our Board of Directors (BoD).

Our new climate targets put us on the trajectory to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and were validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) in January 2025. We also made progress on our existing targets and achieved a 73 % reduction in the intensity of our operational emissions in comparison to our 2015 baseline. Additionally, our ongoing efforts have resulted in a 11 % year-on-year reduction in the intensity of our core environmental footprint.

In the following chapters, the report details the company’s material sustainability issues, including, as mandated by the Swiss Code of Obligations, environmental matters, CO2 reduction targets, social topics, employee-related issues, respect for human rights, and combating corruption. For each of these topics HUBER+SUHNER outlines its relevant policies, measures and performance indicators. The chapter on "responsible supply chains” specifically covers the due diligence obligations defined under the DDTrO.

The shareholder vote on the non-financial matters, as required by Article 964c CO, covers the entire Non-financial Report.

Ernst & Young AG performed a limited assurance engagement on selected key performance indicators (KPIs) in accordance with specific standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for this report.

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