2 Compensation system for the Board of Directors

2.1 Components of the compensation

The compensation of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and the other Members of the Board of Directors consists of the four components as shown in the table below and in addition (if applicable) an additional compensation for serving on the Nomination and Compensation Committee or Audit Committee. The responsibility and the increased workload of the various functions are therefore accounted for individually.

Basic Compensation p.a.


Deputy Chairman

Board Member

Fixed compensation in cash (CHF)

240 000

90 000

70 000

Long-term oriented compensation in the form of a fixed number of shares 1)

2 000

1 200


Pension (if applicable)

yes 2)



Social Security benefits (if applicable)

yes 2)

yes 3)

yes 3)

Additional fixed compensation in cash (CHF) p.a.

Committee Chair / Committee Member

Audit Committee


10 000

Nomination and Compensation Committee


10 000

1) The blocking period of the shares is at least three years. The share blocking periods are not to be rescinded on retirement from the Board.

2) The employer’s obligatory contributions to social security and accident insurance schemes and regulatory contributions to pensions from the compensations paid to the Chairman are borne by the company. The Swiss system defines a portion of the pension and social security contribution to be paid by the employee. Accordingly these contributions are deducted from the fixed compensation in cash.

3)The obligatory contributions towards social security out of the remuneration paid to Board Members are covered by the company.

2.2 Payout of the Compensation

The fixed compensation in cash, including if applicable an additional compensation for committee service, is generally paid at the end of the year in office. In the event of early termination of office, it is paid out on pro-rata basis.

The long-term oriented compensation in the form of a fixed number of shares is allocated only at the end of the one year term in office. The total market value of the shares is accrued in accordance with the accrual principle in the financial statements of the given financial year. 

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