Ernst & Young AG, Basel, has been the independent auditor of HUBER+SUHNER AG and various Group companies since 2018. The current lead auditor, Mr. Iwan Zimmermann, has been in charge since 1 April 2021. As per article 730a para 2 Swiss Code of Obligations, his tenure as lead auditor may not exceed seven years. The auditors are elected by the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year.
Ernst & Young (EY) charged CHF 350 000 for auditing the Group Financial Statements and selective individual financial statements of the different Group companies during the reporting year, CHF 45 000 for an independent assurance for the Non-financial report, and CHF 5 000 for additional EY services (in relation to the share capital reduction).
The Audit Committee informs the Board of the work performed by and working relationship with the external auditor. Each year, the external auditor submits an audit plan, a “high level review” of the half-year figures and a comprehensive report on the annual financial statements with conclusions on financial accounting, the internal control system, the Compensation Report (Chapter 5) and the audit results for the attention of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee also assesses the scope of the annual audit and the audit plans, and discusses the audit findings with the external auditor. In the year under review, the external auditor was present at both Audit Committee meetings.
The Audit Committee annually assesses the external auditors’ performance, independence and fees and recommends to the Board the external auditing company to be nominated by the Annual General Meeting.
This evaluation is based on the reports and presentations provided by the external auditors, the discussions held in the meetings, their objectivity as well as their technical and operational expertise. The Audit Committee reviews the suitability and scope of the additional services rendered by the external auditor. If the planned additional services exceed the monetary limit set by the Audit Committee, the Audit Committee must be informed in advance.