9 Information policy

As a listed company and as a credible and sustainable business partner, HUBER+SUHNER informs its internal and external stakeholders actively, transparently and in good time. Its communication policy is guided by the SIX Swiss Exchange regulations, legal provisions and internal guidelines.
HUBER+SUHNER communicates regularly with its shareholders, the capital market and the public. In accordance with Swiss GAAP FER, HUBER+SUHNER discloses its business and financial performance on a half-yearly basis in form of an Annual or Half-year Report which are published electronically in English. Additionally, shareholders receive a short printed version of the Management Report/Letter to Shareholders in German or English half-yearly. Also, at the end of January of any given year, HUBER+SUHNER announces sales and order intake figures for the past year. Sales and order intake figures for the first nine months from January to September are published at the end of October of any given year.

The exact dates can be found under investors.

Additional information which could affect the share price is published during the year in accordance with SIX Swiss Exchange ad hoc publication requirements. Official announcements and company notices are published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC).

The CEO is responsible for corporate communications. He is assisted in his investor relations activities by the CFO.

Registered office
Degersheimerstrasse 14
9100 Herisau (CH)
Phone +41 71 353 41 11

Relevant news, shareholder information and legal documents can be found using the links below:
News & Ad hoc news
Articles of Association
Information service

An important source of current information on the Group, including products and further contact details is the HUBER+SUHNER website.

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