Consolidated Statement of Equity

in CHF 1 000

Share capital1)

Capital reserves

Treasury shares

Other retained earnings

Goodwill offset

Transla­tion dif­ferences

Retained earnings

Equity attribut­able to share­holders of H+S AG

Minority interests

Total equity

Balance at 1.1.2023

5 050

33 480

(75 231)

833 627

(146 980)

(46 589)

640 058

603 357

3 295

606 652

Change in scope of consol- idation2)

(1 036)

(1 036)

Net income

64 221

64 221

64 221


64 847

Dividend paid

(38 773)

(38 773)

(38 773)


(39 091)

Purchase of treasury shares3)

(8 959)

(8 959)

(8 959)

Share-based payment


1 811



1 259

1 259

Goodwill offset4)





Currency translation differences

(14 236)

(14 236)

(14 236)


(14 320)

Balance at 31.12.2023

5 050

33 478

(82 379)

858 525

(146 703)

(60 825)

650 997

607 146

2 483

609 629

Net income

71 383

71 383

71 383


72 274

Dividend paid

(31 388)

(31 388)

(31 388)


(31 835)

Capital reduction3)


(81 165)

81 417

Purchase of treasury shares

(1 640)

(1 640)

(1 640)

Share-based payment


1 672



1 689

1 689

Currency translation differences

6 392

6 392

6 392


6 405

Balance at 31.12.2024

4 798

(47 524)


898 374

(146 703)

(54 433)

697 238

653 582

2 940

656 522

1)See note 29

2)See note 4

3)Following approval by the Annual General Meeting on 27 March 2024, the shares acquired as part of the share buyback programme completed in March 2023 have been cancelled by means of a capital reduction. In total 1‘010‘000 treasury shares were purchased back at an average share price of CHF 80.61, amounting to CHF 81.4 million.

4)See note 23

The notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

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