Notes to Financial Statements

1 General

1 General

The financial statements of HUBER+SUHNER AG, domiciled in Herisau, are prepared in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR).

2 Accounting policies

2 Accounting policies

2.1 General

These financial statements were prepared in accordance with the commercial accounting provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations. The accounting of major balance sheet and income statement positions is disclosed hereinafter.

2.2 Foreign currency translation

All assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are converted into Swiss francs at the year-end exchange rates according to the imparity principle. Income and expenses as well as transactions in foreign currencies are converted at the conversion rate valid at the transaction date. The resulting foreign exchange differences are recognised in the income statement.

2.3 Revenue recognition

Revenues from the sale of products are recognised when the risks and rewards of the products sold have been transferred to the customer.

2.4 Trade receivables

Trade receivables are measured at nominal value less allowances. Indications of impairment are substantial financial problems on the customer side, a declaration of bankruptcy or a material delay in payment. In addition, a fiscally permitted allowance is recognised in the remaining trade receivables.

2.5 Inventories

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of goods comprises direct material and production costs and related production overheads. The valuation of the inventory is based on standard costs that are verified annually. Slow-moving and obsolete stock that have insufficient inventory turns are systematically revaluated, either partly or fully. In addition, a fiscally permitted allowance is recognised in the remaining inventories.

2.6 Property, plant, equipment and intangible assets

Property, plant, equipment and intangible assets are stated at the purchased or manufactured cost less fiscally permitted accumulated depreciation. If there are indications that the carrying amount is overstated, property, plant, equipment and intangible assets are reviewed for impairment and, where necessary, written down to the recoverable amount.

2.7 Investments in subsidiaries

Investments are initially recognised at cost. Investments are assessed annually and individually.

2.8 Provisions

Provisions are made for warranties, personnel expenses, restructuring costs, as well as legal and other miscellaneous operational risks that meet the recognition criteria. They are recognised when the company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events and if it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and the amount can be reliably estimated. Warranty provisions are generally measured and recognised based on experience values. Additional provisions may be made if permitted under tax regulations.

2.9 Treasury shares

Treasury shares are stated at acquisition cost and presented as a negative position in the shareholders’ equity. No subsequent valuation is made. If the treasury shares are disposed of later, the resulting gain or loss is recognised in the reserves.

3 Details to individual positions

3 Details to individual positions

3.1 Other operating income

Other operating income includes income from other activities such as the sale of scrap, miscellaneous services, the capitalisation of internally produced capital goods, the release of provisions and miscellaneous, not periodical, operating revenues from third parties.

3.2 Income from investments

Income from investments includes dividend payments from subsidiaries in the amount of KCHF 18 392 (previous year: KCHF 30 938). No impairments of investments were recognised (previous year: no impairment) or reversed (previous year: no reversal).

3.3 Inventories

in CHF 1 000



Raw materials and supplies

15 553

20 173

Work in progress

6 065

6 095

Semi-finished and finished goods

58 110

59 553

Inventory provision

(47 388)

(51 071)


32 340

34 750

3.4 Property, plant, equipment and intangible assets

in CHF 1 000




6 225

6 225


40 661

43 107

Technical equipment and machinery

19 184

17 946

Other equipment



Assets under construction

6 476

7 824

Investment property

2 080

2 080

Intangible assets

30 020

27 457


105 398

105 327

3.5 Investments in subsidiaries

Directly and indirectly held subsidiaries are listed in chapter Group Companies of the Group Financial Statements.

3.6 Share capital

The share capital at 31 December 2023 was composed of 20 200 000 registered shares, with a nominal value of CHF 0.25 each.

Following approval by the Annual General Meeting on 27 March 2024, the shares acquired as part of the share buyback programme completed in March 2023 have been cancelled by means of a capital reduction. In total 1 010 000 treasury shares were purchased back at an average share price of CHF 80.61, amounting to CHF 81.4 million. As a result the share capital has decreased to 19 190 000 registered shares, with a nominal value of CHF 0.25 each, as of 31 December 2024.

The composition of capital stock is disclosed in the Notes to the Group Financial Statements (see Note 29).

The company holds 736 640 treasury shares (726 640 treasury stock and 10 000 other treasury shares for remuneration purposes).

3.7 Treasury shares



Number at 1.1.

1 748 640

1 655 799


22 300

115 941


(24 300)

(23 100)


(1 010 000)

Number at 31.12.

736 640

1 748 640

For details of transactions and balances relating to treasury shares see note 29 of the Notes to Group Financial Statements.

4 Contingent liabilities

4 Contingent liabilities

in CHF 1 000



Parent guarantee for long-term lease

6 303

5 971

Parent guarantee for repayment of an advance payment

1 879

1 888

Parent guarantee for security of a credit line

1 738

5 Liabilities to pension funds

5 Liabilities to pension funds

in CHF 1 000



Total liabilities to pension funds

6 Net release of undisclosed reserves

6 Net release of undisclosed reserves

in CHF 1 000



Total net release of undisclosed reserves


7 Allotted Shares

7 Allotted Shares

Allotted number of shares to:



Board of Directors

8 000

7 600

Executive Group Management

14 750

11 800


5 807

4 500

Allotted shares

in CHF 1 000



Expensed amount in Income Statement

2 122

1 625

The expense amount excluding social security is based on the market price of CHF 75.50 at date of allotment for 2 000 shares allotted during the year and the 2024 year-end share price of CHF 74.20 for outstanding shares (previous year: CHF 68.00). For members of Board of Directors and Executive Group Management, the assignment is subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting. The 2 000 shares that were allotted during the year were assigned to the Board of Directors in turn of the Annual General Meeting held in 2024.

8 Full-time positions

8 Full-time positions

As in the previous year, HUBER+SUHNER AG had over 250 employees (full-time-equivalent) in 2024.

9 Equal pay analysis

9 Equal pay analysis

HUBER+SUHNER AG has performed an equal pay analysis based on the reference month March 2021, as required by Article 13a of the Gender Equality Act. The analysis concluded that the employee pay-related gender effect is clearly within the tolerance threshold. Ernst & Young Ltd certified that all legal requirements had been met in full. In 2024, HUBER+SUHNER AG performed another equal pay analysis on a voluntary basis, although it would have been exempt from the repetition requirement under Article 13a para. 3 of the Gender Equality Act. The analysis in 2024 confirmed again the results of the analysis in 2021. As a consequence, HUBER+SUHNER AG received the salary equality certificate for 2024 in Switzerland.

10 Leasing obligations not recorded in the balance sheet

10 Leasing obligations not recorded in the balance sheet

At the balance sheet date there are neither short-term obligations with a duration of less than one year (previous year: KCHF 0.0) nor obligations in excess of one year (previous year: none).

11 Events after the balance sheet date

11 Events after the balance sheet date

There were no events after the balance sheet date which affect the annual results or would require an adjustment to the carrying amounts of the HUBER+SUHNER AG assets and liabilities.

12 Additional disclosures, cash flow statement and management report

12 Additional disclosures, cash flow statement and management report

Pursuant to Article 961d para. 1 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, no additional disclosures are made, as HUBER+SUHNER AG prepares Group Financial Statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (Swiss GAAP FER).

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