3 Board of Directors

3.1/3.2 Members of the Board of Directors/Other activities and vested interests

The Board of Directors of HUBER+SUHNER AG must consist of at least five members. All members of the Board of Directors are non-executive. They do not participate in the executive management of the Group. They also do not have any significant business relationships with HUBER+SUHNER AG or other Group companies. No member of the Board of Directors has served as a member of HUBER+SUHNER Executive Group Management or one of its Group companies in the three financial years preceding the period under review.

At the Annual General Meeting on 27 March 2024, the eight acting members of the Board of Directors were re-elected.

On 31 December 2024, the Board of Directors comprised the following eight members:

Urs Kaufmann Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2017
Member of the Board of Directors since 2014
1962, Swiss citizen


Dipl. Ing. ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich
Senior Executive Program IMD, Lausanne

Professional background


  • 2002-2017 Chief Executive Officer
  • 2001-2002 COO Polymer Systems Sector, since 2001 Member of Executive Group Management
  • 1997-2000 Division Head Materials Technology and Member of the Management Board
  • 1994-1997 Managing Director, Henry Berchtold AG (CH)

Previous employments

  • 1987-1993 Project Manager, Production Manager and Head of Sales, Zellweger Uster AG, Uster (CH) and USA

Other activities and vested interests

  • Bucher Industries AG**, Niederweningen (CH): Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • SFS Group AG**, Heerbrugg (CH): Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Müller Martini Holding AG, Hergiswil (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
Dr. Beat Kälin Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors (Chairman 2015 - 2017)
Member of the Board of Directors since 2009
1957, Swiss citizen


Dr. sc. techn., dipl. Ing. ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich
MBA INSEAD, Fontainebleau

Professional background

  • Since 2015 Chairman of the Board of Directors, Komax Holding AG**, Dierikon (CH)
  • 2007-2015 CEO, Komax Group, Dierikon (CH)
  • 2006-2007 COO, Komax Group, Dierikon (CH)
  • 2004-2006 Member of the Divisional Management Board for Packaging Technology, Robert Bosch GmbH, Neuhausen am Rheinfall (CH)
  • 1998-2004 Member of Executive Group Management, SIG Schweizerische Industrie-Gesellschaft Holding AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall (CH)
  • 1987-1997 Various management positions, Elektrowatt Group, Stäfa and Zug (CH)

Other activities and vested interests

  • CabTec Holding AG, Rotkreuz (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
Marina Bill Member of the Board of Directors since 2023 1973, Swedish-Swiss dual citizen


Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Commercial Law Basics, Stockholm University, Stockholm

Professional background

  • Since 2018 Group Vice President, Global Head of Marketing & Sales and Global Product Line Manager Software and Digital, ABB Robotics Division, Zurich (CH)
  • 2016-2018 Group Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing, ABB Grid Automation, Zurich (CH)
  • 2013-2015 Group Vice President, Global Product Group Manager, ABB Power Generation Automation Products, Zurich (CH)
  • 1997-2012 Various product and sales manager positions ABB (PH, SE, UK, DE, CH)

Other activities and vested interests

  • Piab AB, Danderyd (SE): Member of the Board of Directors
  • IFR (International Federation of Robotics), Frankfurt am Main (D): Vice President and Member of the Board
Prof. Dr. Monika Bütler Member of the Board of Directors since 2014 1961, Swiss citizen


Dipl. math. University of Zurich
Dr. oec. University of St. Gallen

Professional background

  • Since 2021 Self-employed economist
  • 2004-2021 Full Professor of Economics and Public Policy and Director of the Swiss Institute for Empirical Economic Research (SEW) at the University of St. Gallen (CH)
  • 1999-2004 Professor at the University of Lausanne (CH)
  • 1997-2001 Assistant Professor at the University of Tilburg (NL)

Other activities and vested interests

  • AC Immune SA**, Lausanne (CH): Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
  • Schindler Holding Ltd.**, Hergiswil (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Swiss Life Holding AG** and Swiss Life AG, Zurich (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Vice President of the Foundation Board, Gebert Rüf Stiftung, Zurich (CH)
  • SMG, Swiss Management Association, Zurich (CH): Member of the Executive Board
Kerstin Günther Member of the Board of Directors since 2023 1967, German citizen


Master of Science in Electronics, Technical University, Wroclaw
Master of Business Administration with specialisation in International Management, University of Cleveland

Professional background

  • 2019-2023 Chief Financial and Technology Officer, Helmholtz Zentrum München, München (DE)
  • 2015-2017 Managing Director, Deutsche Telekom Pan-Net S.R.O., Bratislava (SK)
  • 2012-2016 Senior Vice President Technology Europe (CTIO), Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn (DE)
  • 2010-2012 Senior Vice President Network and Investment Planning, Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH, Bonn (DE)
  • 2003-2009 Various managerial positions, Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn (DE)
  • 1991-2002 Various positions in the telecommunication industry in Slovakia, Hungary and Germany

Other activities and vested interests


Rolf Seiffert Member of the Board of Directors since 2010 1958, Swiss citizen


Dipl. Ing. ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich

Professional background

  • Since 2014 CEO, AlpRail GmbH, Gais (CH)
  • 2019-2021 Managing Director, BBR rail automation Swiss AG, Lucerne (CH)
  • 2018-2019 Head of Railway Signaling, Kummler+Matter AG, Zurich (CH)
  • 2015-2017 Managing Director, Kummler+Matter AG, Zurich (CH)
  • 2013-2015 Head of Sales, Ruf Telematik AG, Schlieren (CH)
  • 2011-2013 Vice President Sales, duagon AG, Dietikon (CH)
  • 1999-2010 Various product development and sales functions, Siemens Switzerland, Rail Automation, Wallisellen (CH)
  • 1988-1998 Product development and product management posts, ABB Transportation/Adtranz, Zurich (CH)

Other activities and vested interests


Dr. Franz Studer Member of the Board of Directors since 2019 1965, Swiss citizen


Dr. iur. University of Zurich
Admitted to the Zurich bar
MBA from the University of St. Gallen
International Directors Programme at INSEAD, Fontainebleau

Professional background

  • Since 2024 Managing Director, EGS Beteiligungen AG*, Zürich (CH)
  • 2012-2024 Investment Director and Member of the Executive Committee, EGS Beteiligungen AG*, Zürich (CH)
  • 2010-2011 CEO/COO, aizo group AG, Zurich (CH)/Wetzlar (DE)
  • 1999-2009 Industry experience in various legal and commercial management positions, Bühler AG, Uzwil (CH)

Other activities and vested interests

  • Kantonsspital Winterthur, Winterthur (CH): Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • FAES AG, Wollerau (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Roth Gerüste AG, Gerlafingen (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Sensirion Holding AG** and Sensirion AG, Stäfa (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • DV Bern AG, Bern (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Serto Holding AG, Serto AG (since 2 April 2024) and Serto Group AG (since 29 January 2024), Frauenfeld (CH): Member of the Board of Directors

*Significant shareholder at HUBER+SUHNER AG

Jörg Walther Member of the Board of Directors since 2016 1961, Swiss citizen


Lic. iur. University of Zurich
Admitted to the Aargau bar
MBA from the University of Chicago
Post-graduate degree from University of St. Gallen in European Economic Law
Advanced Management Program at University of Oxford

Professional background

  • Since 2010 Partner at Schärer Attorneys at Law, Aarau (CH)
  • 2001-2009 Global Head Legal M&A and Antitrust, Member of the Group Legal Executive Committee, Novartis International AG, Basel (CH)
  • 1999-2001 Group Vice President M&A, ABB Asea Brown Boveri AG (CH)
  • 1995-1998 Senior Legal Counsel, ABB Schweiz AG (CH)
  • 1991-1995 Senior Legal Counsel and Head Legal Services, Danzas Management, Basel (CH)

Other activities and vested interests

  • Zehnder Group AG**, Gränichen (CH): Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • AEW Energie AG, Aarau (CH): Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • SFS Group AG**, Heerbrugg (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Kraftwerk Augst AG, Augst (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Immobilien AEW AG, Aarau (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Apotheke im Stadtspital Zurich AG, Zurich (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • Aare-Apotheke Rombach AG, Rombach (CH): Member of the Board of Directors
  • swissVR, Rotkreuz (CH): Member of the Executive Board
** listed company

Honorary chairmen

Marc C. Cappis, 1935
David W. Syz, 1944

3.3 Number of permitted activities 

As per Article 30 of the Articles of Association, a Member of the Board of Directors may hold up to 5 mandates in comparable positions at other listed companies. In addition, a Member of the Board of Directors may hold up to 10 mandates in comparable positions with non-listed companies with an economic purpose. The acceptance of outside mandates shall not interfere with the member's performance of his duties to the company.

3.4 Elections and terms of office

In line with the legal provisions, all Members of the Board of Directors, the Chairman and the Members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee are elected annually and individually. The Articles of Association do not allow for any deviation from these election rules. The term of office of a Member of the Board runs until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. Re-election is possible. For the first election per member please refer to 3.1/3.2. Members of the Board cannot run for re-election at the Annual General Meeting in the year in which they turn 70 years of age.

3.5 Internal organisational structure

The Board of Directors exercises overall management, supervision and control over the running of the Group. Except for the election of the Chairman and the Members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee by the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors constitutes itself. The Board of Directors may appoint the Deputy Chairman from among its members. It may also appoint a Secretary from outside the ranks of the Board.

Working practices of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets as often as business requires, but at least five times a year. The Chairman, or if he is unable to attend, the Deputy Chairman, chairs Board meetings. The Chairman convenes Board meetings and sets their agendas. He also ensures that members receive the agenda at least 10 days in advance of the meeting, and decision material generally one week beforehand. In addition to the CEO, the CFO also attends Board meetings as a representative of Executive Group Management. Depending on the business at hand, other members of Executive Group Management may take part. The Board of Directors may use electronic means for the meetings.
Decisions are taken by the Board as a whole. The Board shall constitute a quorum when the majority of its members are present. A Member of the Board of Directors is also deemed present when attending via telephone or via video conference or by other electronic means. A majority quorum is not necessary for determining a capital increase, capital reduction or change of the currencies of the share capital and the related amendments to the Articles of Association. All decisions require a voting majority. In a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. Voting by proxy is not allowed. All resolutions and agreements are minuted and approved by the Board.

Five regular Board meetings with an average duration of 6 hours, one additional telephone conferences with a duration of an hour, as well as one “strategy workshop” lasting two and a half days, which was also attended by the entire Executive Group Management, were held during the year under review. The meetings took place at regular intervals during the financial year with a 96.25 % participation rate.

The Chairman of the Board regularly meets with the CEO to discuss current financial performance and business activities and makes decisions regarding the disclosure of ad hoc announcements. In addition, he is responsible for monitoring the implementation and compliance with resolutions taken by the Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors and keeps the other members of the Board updated in a regular and timely manner. In addition to his core responsibilities, the Chairman performs additional duties for the HUBER+SUHNER Group, including liaising with key stakeholders and participating as a member of the Foundation Committee or other organisations.

In 2024, a comprehensive self-evaluation was carried out by the Board of Directors (covering also the two committees) to verify that each body is working efficiently and effectively. The review covered especially the composition of the Board of Directors, the availability of its members, engagement, cooperation and culture within the Board of Directors, the processes for preparing for and holding the meetings and the interaction between the Board of Directors and the Executive Group Management.

Committees – composition and working practices

The areas of responsibility and authority of the Nomination and Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee are defined in the appendix to the HUBER+SUHNER Bylaws. These committees support the Board in its supervisory and control capacities and function mainly as advisory, assessment and preparatory bodies. The members of the committees are as follows:

Nomination and Compensation Committee

Audit Committee

Monika Bütler


Marina Bill


Beat Kälin


Jörg Walther


Kerstin Günther


Franz Studer


The committees meet as often as business requires, but at least twice a year. Minutes are taken at each meeting and sent to all meeting participants and to all Members of the Board of Directors. At the subsequent Board meeting, the Committee Chair briefs the Board and puts any motions to it.

The Nomination and Compensation Committee (NCC)

The committee consists of at least two non-executive Members of the Board elected annually by the Annual General Meeting, one of which will be designated as Chair by the Board of Directors. 

The committee prepares all the relevant decisions relating to nominating and compensating members of the Board of Directors and Executive Group Management and the Group’s compensation policy. The Chairman of the Board attends the meetings. The CEO attends the meetings, except if his own performance is under review or his own compensation is under discussion. Where necessary, the CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) is also present. The committee held two meetings with an average duration of 2 hours and a 100 % participation rate during the year under review.

The main duties of the Nomination and Compensation Committee are:

Audit Committee (AC)

The committee consists of at least two members. The Board of Directors appoints the members and designates the Chair annually. It supports the Board with financial management, supervision of accounting, financial reporting, internal auditing and cooperation with the external auditor. It decides on urgent technical matters. Areas of authority and responsibility assigned to the Board of Directors by law and by the Bylaws remain wholly within the Board.

The Chairman of the Board, the CEO, the CFO, the Head of Corporate Controlling and the external auditor attend committee meetings. For sustainability topics and non-financial reporting, the Head Global Sustainability is present. Where necessary, the committee addresses certain agenda items with the external auditor alone. The committee held two meetings with an average duration of 4 hours and a 100 % participation rate during the year under review.

The main duties of the Audit Committee are:

3.6 Definition of areas of responsibility

The areas of authority and responsibility of the various bodies are set out in the Bylaws (available under Corporate Governance).

The Board of Directors issues guidelines for business policy and makes decisions about all matters that are not reserved for, or assigned to, the Annual General Meeting or another company body by law, by the Articles of Association or the Bylaws. In particular, the Board of Directors approves the business strategy and organisation proposed by Executive Group Management, as well as budgets, medium-term plans, acquisitions and other businesses which, by their nature or financial impact, is considered strategically significant. Written requests are prepared for all projects that require a decision by the Board. The Board of Directors delegates the Group’s operational management to the CEO. The Bylaws are periodically reviewed and adapted by the Board, most recently on 26 June 2024.

3.7 Information and control instruments vis-à-vis the Executive Group Management

Management information system (MIS)

The Board’s main information and control instrument is a management information system based on financial accounting according to Swiss GAAP FER.

On a monthly basis, the Board of Directors receives a written commentary from the CEO on business activities and financial performance including key financial figures from the Group and the three market segments. The minutes of monthly Executive Group Management meetings are also submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Additionally, on a quarterly basis, the Board of Directors receives a comprehensive Group financial status (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, capital expenditure) and key financial figures per legal entity and the three market segments.

The attendance of Executive Group Management members (especially the CEO and CFO) at the Board of Directors’ meetings and its committees is reported in Section 3.5 (Internal organisational structure). During Board meetings, the CEO provides information about the current state of business and major business transactions; the CFO explains the annual and half-year financial statements. Each Member of the Board may also ask for information about all matters pertaining to the HUBER+SUHNER Group.

The Board of Directors is also closely involved in the company’s planning cycle. In the third quarter of each year, it receives, for its approval, the results of the strategic mid-term plan, which covers a period of 5 years. In the fourth quarter, the Board approves a detailed budget for the coming year. It also receives a forecast of the annual results twice a year.

Internal audit 

Internal auditing at HUBER+SUHNER is within the responsibility of Corporate Controlling. The Head Corporate Controlling is subordinate to the CFO, but reports directly to the Audit Committee regarding these activities. This solution, tailored to the specific situation and size of HUBER+SUHNER, is cost effective and ensures that internal audit findings are available in their entirety to the Controlling team. Based on financial risk considerations, an annual plan of the companies to be audited is drawn up and submitted to the Audit Committee for approval. The main priorities of the audit are compliance with internal policies, processes, reviews and the implementation of the internal control system. The internal auditors discuss the results of each audit in detail with the companies concerned, and concrete measures are agreed upon. Internal audit reports are submitted, together with suggested recommendations, to the Audit Committee, the Chairman of the Board, the CEO, the CFO, the respective COO, the management of the audited company as well as the external Group auditor. Audit reports with significant findings are presented and discussed in the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee ensures, on an annual basis, that issues and recommendations are dealt with.

The external auditor annually assesses the internal control system (ICS) in a comprehensive report to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors and confirms its existence.

Risk management system

Risk management of the HUBER+SUHNER Group and all Group companies is laid down in the Board of Directors’ risk policy and in the Executive Group Management’s guidelines on the risk management process. In the reporting year, the Executive Group Management reviewed the progress and effectiveness of the measures taken and has selected and reassessed the most significant financial, operational and strategic risks at Group level. This was based on its own top-down assessment and on bottom-up data from market segments and corporate functions. The risks were categorised according to their probability of occurrence and potential financial impact. In addition, mitigating measures as well as operational responsibilities were defined for each top risk. The evaluated risks as well as the ongoing and planned compliance measures were presented in the 2024 Risk Report to the Board of Directors for review and approval. After its review, the Board approved the report on 4 December 2024.

Whistleblowing platform

HUBER+SUHNER is committed to conducting business responsibly. Therefore, HUBER+SUHNER Group operates its whistleblowing platform, provided by a third party provider, to promote a speak-up culture and to combat any non-compliant or non-ethical behaviour that might violate the HUBER+SUHNER Code of Responsible Business Conduct or the HUBER+SUHNER Supplier Code of Conduct or any underlying business or ethics principles. The platform is accessible for all HUBER+SUHNER employees (internal channel via the intranet or posters with a QR code) and for all other stakeholders (external channel via the HUBER+SUHNER website), ensuring anonymity if desired. Submitted complaints are handled by the Whistleblowing Steering Committee and an anonymised monthly summary is provided to the CEO and CFO.

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