Abbreviation | Definition | |
ADAS | advanced driver assistance system | |
APAC | Asia-Pacific | |
BoD | Board of Directors | |
CDP | global non-profit that runs the world's environmental disclosure system for companies (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) | |
CH4 | methane | |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer | |
CHRO | Chief Human Resources Officer | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | |
CCO | Chief Communications Officer | |
CMRT | Conflict Minerals Reporting Template | |
CO2 | carbon dioxide | |
CO2-eq | carbon dioxide equivalent | |
DDTrO | Due Diligence and Transparency in relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labour | |
DMA | double materiality assessment | |
EBIT | earnings before interest and taxes | |
EGM | Executive Group Management | |
EHS | environmental health and safety | |
EMEA | Europe, the Middle East and Africa | |
EOL | end-of-life | |
EPI | environmental performance indicator | |
ERP | enterprise resource planning | |
ESG | environmental, social and governance | |
EVs | electric vehicles | |
GHG | greenhouse gas | |
GHS | Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling Chemicals | |
GRI | Global Reporting Initiative | |
GWh | gigawatt hours | |
HFCs | hydrofluorocarbons | |
HR | human resources | |
ILO | International Labour Organisation | |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | |
KPIs | key performance indicators | |
LCA | life cycle assessment | |
LCIA | life cycle impact assessment | |
LTIFR | lost-time injury frequency rate | |
N2O | nitrous oxide | |
NfR | Non-financial Report | |
NF3 | nitrogen trifluoride | |
OH&S | occupational health and safety | |
PFCs | perfluorocarbons | |
PV | photovoltaic | |
PY | previous year | |
RCP | Representative Concentration Pathway | |
REACH | registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals | |
RoHS | Restriction of Hazardous Substances | |
SBTi | Science Based Target initiative | |
SDS | safety data sheets | |
SF6 | sulphur hexafluoride | |
Swiss CO | Swiss Code of Obligations | |
TCFD | Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures | |
TüV | Technischer Überwachungsverein | |
UN | United Nations | |
WBCSD | World Business Council for Sustainable Development | |
WEEE | Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment | |
WRI | World Resources Institute |