The HUBER+SUHNER Group’s success heavily depends on the capabilities and commitment of its employees. The compensation policy aims to attract skilled managers and employees and to gear their activities towards the company’s goals and a long-term career with HUBER+SUHNER.
Payments are made according to the following principles:
The principles governing the compensation of Members of the Board of Directors and Executive Group Management are laid down in the following Articles of Association: Article 23 (Compensation Approval); 24 (Compensation of the Board of Directors); 25 (Compensation of Executive Group Management); 26 (Principles of Success and Performance-related Compensation); 27 (Principles for Allocating Shares); 28 (Additional Amount) and 29 (Activities for Group Companies).
For more details, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report.
In accordance with Article 734b of the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR), credit and loans as well as benefits outside of the occupational pension scheme may only be granted, if a provision to this end is included in the Articles of Association. During the year under review and as per its previous practice, HUBER+SUHNER did not add any such provision in its Articles of Association.
The Board of Directors is responsible for regulating general questions regarding compensation. The compensation models applicable to the Board of Directors and Executive Group Management are outlined in a compensation policy approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is supported by the Nomination and Compensation Committee. The committee reviews the principles and prepares all relevant decisions concerning compensation of Members of both the Board of Directors and the Executive Group Management. The composition, main tasks and working practices of the Nomination and Compensation Committee are described in the Corporate Governance Report.
No external advisors are involved in the preparation of the relevant decisions.