Connecting rail and road mobility with sustainable solutions that ensure efficient electrical transmission, high-speed data transfer, and autonomous control – today and beyond.
The Transportation market segment achieved the desired turnaround in the reporting year. It ended the year with almost the same order intake as the previous year, at CHF 279.9 million (PY CHF 284.4 million), and 5.5 % growth in net sales to CHF 285.5 million (PY CHF 270.6 million).
After a three-year lean period, there was a marked upturn in demand in the railway subsegment, which made a positive contribution to net sales in the reporting period. The automotive subsegment also reported growth in net sales thanks to a positive contribution from the electric vehicle and advanced driver assistance system growth initiatives. The EBIT margin in the Transportation market segment increased significantly in the reporting year to 9.1 % (PY 5.1 %).
“More favourable market conditions, our two growth initiatives in the automotive sector (electric vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems) and the resurgent railway market all helped to drive growth in net sales. Growth was focused primarily in Europe, while the Asian and American markets developed less dynamically for HUBER+SUHNER. In the commercial vehicles market, we saw the further development of new electric drive designs and platforms. Against this backdrop, we have also received additional partner nominations, which should help drive growth in net sales from 2025 onwards. We won additional projects in Europe for our advanced driver assistance system growth initiative and were also able to enter the Asian market with our first partner nomination.”
Drew Nixon, COO Transportation segment