Material issues

Through a materiality assessment, HUBER+SUHNER identifies and prioritizes relevant environmental, social and governance issues.

The last materiality (re)assessment took place in 2022. Using a double materiality approach, the Executive Group Management (EGM) assessed the business relevance (outside-in perspective) as well as the impact relevance (inside-out perspective) of all 13 material topics. The result is shown in the materiality matrix below. The reassessment revealed that the differences between the topics are rather small, which confirms that all topics are essential to the company. Hence, we manage all 13 issues actively and report on our progress in subsequent chapters.

As part of the materiality assessment, the EGM also confirmed the three material topics, initially defined in 2021, which are to be taken into special focus:

The material issues were identified in 2021 based on their strategic significance to the company. Despite a decrease in materiality from 2021 to 2022, our ongoing multi-annual strategy for managing these issues remains in place.

Figure 3: Material issues assessed for their business and impact relevance

Materiality assessment results: to make the small differences more visible, the graph only shows the upper right quadrant of the assessment matrix, spanning a rating scale from 0 to 10. Focus topics, strategically defined in 2021, are highlighted in green. Despite a decline in materiality of these topics in 2022, these areas are actively managed as integral components of a multi-annual strategy.
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