Sustainability governance

HUBER+SUHNER has embedded sustainability within its organization. A well-defined governance structure, with clearly assigned responsibilities, enable effective monitoring of the progress in implementing the Group's sustainability strategy.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD) convenes at least five times annually. During at least two of these meetings, the Executive Group Management (EGM) reports on relevant sustainability-related matters. The BoD oversees the implementation of the company’s sustainability strategy and targets. The BoD is also responsible for approving the company’s sustainability reporting.


The CEO is responsible for approving and overseeing the implementation of the company’s sustainability strategy. The Head of Global Sustainability reports to the members of the extended EGM and the CEO on the progress in implementing the company’s strategic targets. Sustainability-related objectives constitute a component of the extended EGM’s variable compensation package.

Global sustainability

The Head of Global Sustainability is responsible for proposing and implementing the company’s sustainability strategy. In this role, the Head of Global Sustainability directs a global network of local environmental and corporate responsibility managers who are responsible for coordinating and implementing the sustainability strategy at the company’s various sites. Together with this network, the Head of Global Sustainability also monitors relevant sustainability compliance obligations and assesses sustainability related risks.

Product compliance

The purpose of the product compliance team is to ensure that HUBER+SUHNER operates in compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations related to materials used in our products. Its responsibilities include coordinating and overseeing all material-compliance activities at HUBER+SUNER, including:

This involves regular assessments of our upstream supply chain, the implementation of processes to monitor and track compliance, as well as to corporate responsibility managers, who are responsible for coordinating and implementing the sustainability strategy at the company’s different sites.

Sustainable sourcing

The global sourcing team is responsible for engaging with suppliers on sustainability issues. In 2023, HUBER+SUHNER formulated a due diligence policy, which is compliant with due diligence requirements under the Swiss Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labour (DDTrO).

Grievance mechanism and the whistleblowing steering committee

To address cases of misconduct, HUBER+SUHNER provides employees and supply chain workers with a grievance mechanism. Reports are handled by the whistleblowing steering committee, composed of two area compliance officers (legal compliance, human rights, and labour) and the corporate responsibility communication lead. The committee is the liaison to the independent operator of the platform as well as the person who filed the report. The number of violations of the Code of responsible business conduct are reported to the BoD annually.

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