Introduction social

In the following chapters, HUBER+SUHNER reports qualitatively and quantitatively on its priorities, risks, opportunities, and impacts in the social area. Material topics include our own workforce and how we create an inclusive, agile and open culture that attracts new employees while allowing continuous development and retention of our people. This also requires special attention on upholding human rights, our employees’ health and safety at work and beyond, and interaction with important stakeholders such as the customers and communities in which we operate. Community involvement and development is one of our three focus topics. It shows how HUBER+SUHNER is growing with the local communities where we have operations and how we become and remain part of the social system through relationships with a variety of people and organisations.

Social – Performance 2023 at a glance

Ernst & Young Ltd performed a limited assurance engagement on selected KPIs marked with a   for 2023.
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