Corporate Responsibility and our material topics

Corporate Responsibility and our material topics

During the initial phase of its corporate responsibility initiative, the HUBER+SUHNER Group brought together diverse perspectives from different locations and cultures within the organisation and compiled a selection of 13 material topics and grouped them into three areas: business, relationships, and the environment.

The Executive Group Management (EGM) selected three of the material topics to be taken into special focus: sustainable growth, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, and community involvement and development. For these focus topics, the EGM defined clear targets for the coming years.

In their annual review of the material topics, the EGM reassessed the business relevance (outside-in perspective) as well as the impact relevance (inside-out perspective) of all 13 material topics. The result is shown in the graph below. The reassessment revealed that the differences between the topics are rather small, which confirms that all topics are indeed essential. To make the small differences more visible, the graph only shows the upper right quadrant of the assessment matrix. The rating scales actually range from 0-10. Based on the result of the reassessment, the EGM saw no need to change the focus topics.

Sustainable growth is a prerequisite for investments in favour of the environment and society, which in turn are an indispensable part of corporate responsibility.

Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change is a top priority in the environmental area since climate change poses substantial risks to a functioning economy and the human society.

Community involvement and development is important to all sites of the HUBER+SUHNER Group striving to be good “corporate citizens.”

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